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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Today was a dreadful day. Chem was like horribly stupid. Its too easy..... to fail. I could answer 5/40 questions and o-m-g was the 3 letters i could spell when the test ends. However, P.E did cheer me up for a while as i was in the strong team. And as an extra bonus, I am with my brother, Izzat HAHA after 2 rounds of random picks. Fate had put us through together HAHAHA <3333. Anyways, my team consists of all the sporty and sangat-handal-till-my-jaw-drop girls. A blessing indeed.


Yes, thats my team name. So cute-lah. TripleB's. You can see our name in the finals fosho' no doubt. Maybe we should start celebrating now since we know the results already. Follow the quote '' i dont wanna win ''. HAHAHA lets go back to school life today. We played basketball in the cafeteria just now. Loads of fun and lots of tricks kena ajar. Aku suka =D. They taught me how to roll the ball around your chest. Najib learnt how to fake shot and Najmi went crossover-ing like Allen iverson. Ian with his killer spin and Azeef with his shuffling dribble.

I was late for physics tuition just now in the afternoon. I overslept bah. Eh napaaaan XD Ehsan was a brat as usual. I didnt sit with them today because i mati-kawan bah. I sat with Nai Kiat and spent a long time having conversations with him which i didnt in a few months time. It was actually quite interesting to see him get pissed off by my insults and he did try to pull my pants LOL. Anyways, i will blog again some day soon. Probably tomorrow =D.


P.S maulud =D no chem XD

♥ Blogged @
3:36 AM

Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 27- Fun and joyful day =D

I had reached excapade at 12.30 which i promised Najib but i realised i was too early. I stayed in the room for a pitiful 15 mins before ehsan came to accompany me for a chit-chat. Not long after that, Najib and my brada Izzat finally turn up. We had a great time vaining and joking around with each other. Kai who was expected to be early turns out to be at least 45 mins late. Anyways, an expensive but not-worth-it meal for the afternoon -.-. We met quite a lot of people such as Zatul, Gladys, Zati and others-lah.

We then waited for Bokh who came at 2 before we set off to the large familiar building named ' The Mall '. Ehsan and Kai didnt join us for the movie because they mati kawan lah. We sat at the food court for an hour before entering the theatre and enjoyed the kung-fu orientated movie. It was overall good and funny which the actress is really hot HAHAHA. Agree, you peeps? After the movie, i said goodbye to Bokh,Najib and Izzat then i went to find my chinese friends. Spent quite a while in the arcade. I planned to search for Izzat but he replied me that he had gone home. I decided to call my mum and father to fetch me back because there is nothing to do in the mall anyways.


Candid XD

Ehsan spoiler as usual

Izzat membari watir =D

Their vaining time = )

Cheers to UIC

They are drinking soy sauce LOLX
Brotherly love. Well, a bit too over =D HAHAHA
HAHAHAHA kiut jua kau jat
HAHAHA the power of the lamp

♥ Blogged @
3:28 AM

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Greetings, my fellow friends. I am back to blog again. Lifes been hectic. There was a talk in the auditorium yesterday which i think is about some Bruneian crap. From my little understanding of the Malay language, i managed to grasp some of the 'crap' about boys being overwhelmed by the feminine group. The girls were clapping and the guys were boo-ing. It was then the word '' sexists '' came into my mind.

Males are a lot different from the girls besides their physical attributes.

1) Males like females. Females like males. A major difference i know
2) Males do not wear make-ups.
3) Males tend to be more aggressive than females i think.
4) Females are more hardworking than males.
5) Males like to play with balls and females like to play with balls of wool HAHA nada calie
6) If males walk together, they are called gays and if females walk together, they are named sisters.
7) Girls spend guys' money. Guys spend money on girls.
8) Girls seduce guys. Guys loved to be seduced =D.
9) Guys dont wear high heels.
10) Girls like to cry. Guys are shy.

I dont want to think of any. This post is totally crap. I will be back next time with something interesting i hope. Anyways, tag please.

Tournament coming up in May. Be ready XD.

P.S Sunday jadi kah?

♥ Blogged @
8:58 PM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

23/4- Birth of the shakespeare.
23.4.1991- Birth of a chinese-malay heath ledger

Exclusively just for you, Ian

Ian happy birthday to you,
23.4 we all remember the date,
a poem for you, i make;
be ready for it.

Ian is very funny,
in other words, hes very calie,
never did his jokes last,
just like those from Outkast.

He is a hottie,
enough to be a worldwide celebrity;
Whenever he sings to us,
never did we forget the applause.

Ian have a lot of tricks,
magic or non-magic,
everyone got mesmerized by them,
just like Naveen got turned on by Najmi.

I am done with this po-em because i am lazy to think. Ian, i know it suck. Just remember, the heart is what that matters. gong xi gong xi.


have a blast on your birthday.

♥ Blogged @
2:00 AM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I was scolded by this teacher just now for daydreaming in class. It happened like this. We all are told to do classwork. I was totally blank because i did not how to solve all the complicated problems. Therefore, i took my sweet time day-dreaming. Suddenly this teacher came from my back and woke me up by shaking his hands wildly in front of me. I woke up in a sudden and smiled at him innocently. He in the other hand was really furious and start lecturing me. 1st he scolded me for being FOOLISH of just staring in the blank space when i am in class. Then then, he said if i dont know how to do it, i should raise my hands up and ask. I was still daydreaming actually when he explained how to do it. HAHAHAHA

Next event: PE was very fun not including the first game created by lalala. The ' capture the flag ' game created by Hafiz Aqilah was really good. Everything just works well. As usual, our team win-lah. Ehsan became a pervert when he tried to '' body contact '' with a girl. Anyways, the whole game was tiring and good. In other words, PERFECT-bah. The bad thing that happened is that i had to part with my brother, Izzat =( HAHA i win for you.

New members joined in our tuition today namely Aishah (sp?), Nigel and Aziz. Welcome to the club guys. It was an unproductive day because less effort more talk. LOL Ian , a very happy advanced birthday. Eric, you are lame. Ehsan, you punya headset tertinggal.

Replies to tags:
Zaty- lol the blog had been dumped. I like girls =D
Kai- Its ok bah. I will remember next time.
Najib- lol terasa tah pulang.
Tiff- Hello and glad you like them.
Yang- LOL emo jua buiiizzzz
Brother IZZAT- look at ur name <--- in caps yo XD


Tomorrow free period thanks to Maulud Nabi =D

P.S Friday jaditah?

♥ Blogged @
3:27 AM

Monday, April 21, 2008

This post is made to warn the people who regard themselves as 'males' in this world. Look in your pants. Decide whether if you are one. If you are, please dont hesitate to move on = ).

How many ex-girlfriends do you have?

1- you are ok
2- still ok
3- hmm, not that ok
4- playboy la sikit.
5- go to hell

Its common to see your ex-girlfriends walking and bitching in front of you. Deliberately or not, both of you will turn very awkward before deciding to use the skill '' Ignore ''. When you are the culprit in dumping someone, you will feel even uneasy because you had a feeling that you betrayed your love on her. Do not whatever me when you reached this part LOL. I know how you all feels because i am a male also-i think. Its always difficult to make a smile or try to talk to your ex's which you did so frequently when you are in a relationship. Maybe they will hate you but they do really want to greet you too. But without any side taking action first, never is there any outcome.

Anyways, i am actually making this post because i am bored. Incidents that happened this morning which had suddenly triggered my mind in doing this. Not to point out that somebody's name, you know who you are. You were blushing and didnt act cool at all. Another one happened on yours truly, si kwang-kweng-kwong. I was playing basketball in school with the school team when this ex passed by. Khairuddin Ali Tajuddin then shouted ,'' Ming Kwang's ex. '' I just kept quiet for a while before laughing my ass off. HAHA hmm, this is just a weird post. Ke-boring-an bah. I am happy to be single now because i have great friends and a so called brother. Uics for life. This gonna sound gay but i love you all as i did to my ex's.

Signing off by then,

P.S am not emo
P.P.S i am still on diet

♥ Blogged @
6:02 AM

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hello. Today, i want to blog about the life being a grandson of my late grandfather. He had passed away in the month of January. I do miss him very much. My grandfather originated from China and settled down in Brunei in the early 19**s. I am sorry becoz i do not remember the exact year. Pardon me and lets get back on with the story. He had 4 sons which i belonged to the youngest son of his. And because i was the only son in my family, he really did love me as much as he could and tried to provide extra love and care to compromise the love he gave to my cousins.

He lived with my cousins in a house where is also next to my house. I dont know if i am one of his favourite grandsons but i am sure he was the best grandfather in this world. Not that i am exaggerating but the truth of my heart is to be spoken out. I loved him as much as he loved me. He was once a young man with a great build and average height around 170 cm. Every Chinese New Year, he would called up all our cousins and me to celebrate. He never forget about giving us red packets as a sign of good luck. He had never scolded me even once in my whole life. Not forgetting the fact that i had failed to learn the language of Hainanese, an ancient language of China, it was really hard for me to interact with him. If i know how to speak, i would certainly want to have a conversation with him to keep him happy. As a grandson, i really failed to do so. I felt so useless and dont qualify to be his grandson. If time could reverse, i really hoped i can make myself a better grandson. Too bad, everything is too late now.

It was when my grandfather who was in the hospital which gave me the greatest impression of him in my entire life. I went to the hospital to and fro to make sure my grandfather's condition in stable. There was a few times that i had slept at the hospital and i was glad that i do so. There was this one night where me and my mum went to the hospital to take care of my grandfather. We brought pillows and any essensuals to the ward. My grandfather was awake all night long and wanted me to pull him up so that he can have a comfortable sitting position. He was smiling at me when he called for me. It was a smile which i will never forget and the last one i see. He was still ok for two days. That morning, i was heading to school until i received a call from my mum saying that my grandfather was in critical condition. I urged my father to turn back and head to the hospital. When i reached the hospital, i ran quickly upwards while praying for my grandfather to be safe to the ward which was at the second floor. When i reached the ward, i saw my mum, aunt and uncle who were in tears. My mum told me that my grandfather was dead. I was totally in shocked because i thought my grandfather was getting better. I then requested to look at my grandfather the very last time. After seeing my grandfather, i broke into tears. I couldnt hold on and cried the whole long way from the hospital back to my grandfather's house.

Grandpa, if you are somewhere looking at this post. All i want to say is i am sorry because i had failed you. I would always remember you and your the greatest grandpa in this world.

Mind my sad post

P.S tag ahhh !

♥ Blogged @
3:21 AM

♥ Blogged @
3:21 AM

Friday, April 18, 2008

After lots of arguments and discussions going on, Izzat had decided to dump the old blog and me, Kwang started this new blog. Nevertheless, we are still brothers. 1st post will always be short =D. I would used the old blog's tagboard for convenient sake. Please look forward to my next post and it would definitely be something more interesting. I apologized for everything and i would like everyone to at least tag even if u dont know me. If you want me to link you, please tag to inform.


♥ Blogged @
5:37 AM