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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Look at me when i was born. I was so white and sexy =(.



Needs $$$$

♥ Blogged @
9:58 PM

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Some candid pics taken by Baasit and Izzat: featuring KWANG

Bida pulang LOLX

Anyways, i am making this post to apologize to all the teams that played handball yesterday. Everyone complained its not fun, boring, short. I think its because of me LOLX. I am never gonna be in charge of any handball activities anymore. So, yeah HAHAHAHA.

Shit. I am still broke.
I need to cut my hair.
I need money to cut it.
Or else, i wont cut.

I am out.

P.S I need money AHAHHAHA majal

♥ Blogged @
7:37 PM

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Some article i found:

1)Guys hate sluts even though they> have sex with them!(oh yeah..you're not "popular" ifyou've slept with more than 6guys..you're a HOE)-

2)Guys may be flirting around all daybut before they go to sleep, theyalways think about the girl they truly care about.

3)Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.

4)Guys will do anything just to getyou to notice him

5)Guys hate it when you talk aboutyour ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.

6)Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.

7)Don't talk about your guy friends toyour boyfriend.

8)Guys get jealous easily.

9)Guys are more emotional than they'dlike people to think.

10)Giving a guy a hanging messagelike "You knowwhat?!..uh...nevermind.." would makehim jump to a conclusion that is farfrom what you are thinking. And he'llassume he did something wrong andhe'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.

11)Guys are good flatterers whencourting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.

12)A usual act that proves that the guylikes you is when he teases you.

13)Guys love you more than you lovethem if they are serious in yourrelationships.

14)Guys think WAY too much. One smallthing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think aboutit for hours, trying to figure outwhat it meant.

15)Guys seek for advice from girls notother guys. Because most guys thinkalike, so if one guy's confused, thenwe're all confused.

16)When a guy asks you to leave himalone, he's just actuallysaying, "Please come and listen to me."

17)If a guy starts to talk seriously,listen to him. It doesn't happen thatoften, so when it does, you knowsomething's up.

18)If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around whenyou're with your boyfriend, he'sprobably jealous and likes you.

19)When a guy tells you that you arebeautiful, don't say you aren't. Itmakes them want to stop telling youbecause they don't want you to disagree with them.

20)When a guy looks at you for longerthan a second, he's definitelythinking something.

21)Guys don't like girls who punchharder than they do.

22)A guy has more problems than you cansee with your naked eyes.

23)Don't be a snob. Guys can beintimidated and give up easily.

24)Guys talk about girls more thangirls talk about guys.Guys hate rejection, but they hatebeing led on even more.

25)If you are going to reject a guy,just do it. Don't say they are like abrother or just good friends, it justhurts even more. Tell them that youaren't interested in a relationshipand they will respect you.

26)Guys really think that girls arestrange and have unpredictabledecisions and are MAD confusing butsomehow are drawn even more to them.

27)When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you asmuch as possible.


♥ Blogged @
5:53 AM

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hey. I am sitting in my room now doing nothing. I wished i could go out but i am broke. I could ask for money from my parents but i hate the nags such as

'' Kwang, I give you money is to use properly one ahhh. not for u simply go here go there buy this buy that!! ''

'' Kwang, how many times i told you not to simply waste money liao ahhh''

'' If you take money from me one more time ahh, i ground u for life ah''

'' you noob!''

Therefore, i better stay at home enjoying the boredom=D.

Anyways, the past two days was really fun with handball games. For the first day on thursday, its not bad-lah but not as fun compared with those on saturday =D. HAHA shit i think we lost to one team on thursday. Dontcare-lah. As long we have fun, losing or winning doesnt matter.

I want to kambang for a while ya, so mind me.
Yesterday i went to play basketball and i think i had like 15 blocks LOL. I was so tempted and blocked all the shots. I am craving for more though so yeah =D wish Kwang good luck, my lovely sexy hunks and babes =D HAHAHA.

Blogging is so hard nowadays. I cant think of anything to write. My lifes been uneventful. Azizan, you're the most stubborn people i ever met. I told you to book from 2-430 but you insisted on 12.30 - 2. You play alone la alang alang wtf. Everyone had class during that time and you majal kan book that time so _l_ you.


Kwang need money =D

p.s desperately

♥ Blogged @
9:40 PM

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I am bored.


♥ Blogged @
9:51 PM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hey, i am back for some blogging.

I had just finished tuition with all the lads and celebrated Cody's last day with a packet of keropok and sweets supplied by tuition teacher. Mentioning his name is making me stressful HAHA. Its because everyone is leaving with a grand scholarship , unlike me staying in MS waiting to pounce on any scholarship available. JIS scholarship is a NO-NO though. It sucks and i dont want to end up becoming a teacher teaching students like myself. It would be horrendous and nah, cant imagine it.

Nevertheless, i just want to say good luck to all these scholarship recipients. All the best to you all and _l_ u for leaving us so early. To those yang NEARLY got it, tough luck peeps and yeah, good luck next time. Hmm, thursday and saturday ada Handball <333. We had a match against Najmi's team during P.E in the morning tadi. 10-2 was the final score favouring BLUE BAWANG BANGAS. Izzat and edmond told me that Mdm. Khoo give bad comments about me. I couldnt help it because i am lazy to do any homeworks and i keep on asking teacher for a break when its in the middle of lesson. I bet shes pissed off , perhaps i will get kicked out one day and had to write a letter of apology to her =(.

Letter will be something like this:

Teacher, i am sorry because i am lazy. AIYA- i am lazy to write anymore.


To be honest, i think theres no chance i am near that scholarship now. Lifes been miserable and i feel tired listening in class. Its just uncontrollable. I find problems with every teacher. For example, i slept in chem class,physics homeworks never pass up, escape g.p classes and stats classes. Never attend any assembly. Was never punctual for school and my form teacher complained that i was never in class and keep on leaving her class without any strong reasons. Yeah boring school life, i know. I need money, spending money in malls had terribly emptied my pockets. Nigel mentioned about FARMAN outings somewhere in the near future. _l_


P.S seriously broke + i need donations =(
P.P.S Blue Bawang Bangas <333333333 you all rocks.

♥ Blogged @
3:17 AM

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I am sorry for the lack of updates. With a nice little bow, Kwang say sorry to all the readers and supporters of this wonderful www.idontwannawin.blogspot.com =D. I was busy training for basketball and handball. Btw, handball on wednesday is V.GOOD. It was fun, i get to join in the attack instead of the usual goalkeeper position. HAHA anyways, congrats to Hulubalang for the sculpture competition. The orang utan is adorable HAHAHA yet ugly. Today marks the first loss of our MS basketball team since the start of the inter-school tournament. We lost to MD by a great 9 points. It was seriously a good game since everyone played so hard and tried anything possible to save the game. We managed to come close by pulling the difference back to 1 but somehow, lady luck wasnt on our side. Lose is a lose. I wont complain much beside the stupid referee/coach whose team had been whipped by us in our first match by as much as 52 points. He took revenge on us by volunteering to be referee and have wrong calls which much to our despise, he suck. Anyways, back to happy businesses, Handball YES. Tomorrow, we are playing against some team idk which one in the gym. I am sure it would be as fun as those on wednesday.

Blue Bawang Bangas <3333.

I want to blog more but currently, i am blank. So how?


bah till here then,
will blog more soon =D.


♥ Blogged @
10:45 PM

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hello. am sorry for the lack of updates; was busy and lazy HAHA. Nothing interesting happened. Back to normal school life. I find chem lessons are becoming a bore and shit, i think its getting longer than the usual 1.5 hrs. Haizz, mr. S taught us about periodic table today and and, he keep on intro this website =X.


I am bored right now not knowing what to blog. I am posting this just to prove that i am still alive =D. Btw, the basketball tournament is coming up. Our first match is on Monday which we would face SMJA for our first test. A strong team that had improved tremendously under their new coach, Brendan since last year. Their players are totally committed into trainings and drills. Unlike our school team, sit back and relax is our motto. In case whatever happens, another backup motto is there for us , '' I dont wanna win '' . HAHAHAHA

So to all the readers out there, please come and support us, preferably just Kwang XP and and cheer cheer for us ahh ahh =D. Tomorrow prize presentations day, i am not sure whether to wear a tuxedo or my normal P.E T-shirt. Another problem popped out. Hmm, my P.E T-shirt is Hulubalang's LOL whereas i am actually a Blue Laksa member.
Anyways, thats my problem. HAHAHA


P.S hopefully =D

♥ Blogged @
5:42 AM

Saturday, May 3, 2008

1. What disappoints you the most?
- When my wallet goes down to 0 dollars; as usual

2. Where will you go if someone sponsor you a tour ticket?
- Paris and Venice;thefloatingcity

3. What's your favorite thing to do?
- Spending without worries of ending

4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
- Partly where most of the happiness comes from relationships; family and friends

5. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
- If theres such dream that makes everyone jealous of me, that be cool =D

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
- Unfortunately, no. Such a pointless question = X

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
- Everything i have now besides the fats HAHA

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
- Hmm, buy a sports car then flaunt it to my friends then go back to my poor normal life LOL.

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
- Not to a him but yes to a her; if aku dapat sense she suka me, certainly-lah

10. If you are to be a super-hero, who do you want to be?
- James Bond; Rich and hot HAHA. those are my superhero materials that i need XD

11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half?
- Short girls with height approximately between 157-165
- Cute/Pretty is a plus
- Sweet voice LOL
- Understanding and caring
- Rich HAHAHAHAHAH; the question stated the word '' wish '' so.. yea HAHA
- likes to laugh at her own jokes or even my lamer ones
- Sporty maybe or else, likes to watch sports LOLX.
- A few years younger or older than me doesnt matter
- Does not get angry easily and menyamal for ages.
- Not a control freak; A plus plus
- is not ashamed to go out with me HAHA wtf

12. What type of person do you hate the most?
- Desperados
- Liars
- Those that forged themselves just to impress someone.

13. What is your ambition?
- Engineer. then when i am rich, i would go profit-making business and become a billionaire.

14. If you can teleport once, where would you go?
- Nowhere. I am happy at where i am now.

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- Me,myself and i, parents and friends

16. If you could undo doing one mistake in the past, what would it be?
- Maybe better grades for O level.

17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
- My over-confidence LOLX

18. What music have you been listening to recently?
- Taylor Swift- Teardrops on my Guitar
- Mariah Carey- Bye bye
- George Nozuka- Talk to me

19. What is your least favourite animal?
- Lizards; most annoying yet so common. They jump on your head from your ceilings.
Wassup? Lizards=D. and a lot other animals-lah yang disgusting.

20. If you have a chance to know about something, anything, what is it?
- I dont know. Lifes a mystery isnt it? So let it be the way it is.

♥ Blogged @
6:35 PM

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hello. Hi. Halo. LOL anyways, i am bored now because i went home early just now. Regrets. I shud've followed the UICs and played bball. The grounds too wet and it was raining. I do not want to get myself drenched and get myself sick because i still want to go support my brada, Izzat on Saturday. Good luck <333.>

Chem was totally a bore just now. Everyone got their test papers back and start doing corrections for the whole period. Staying back just for a stupid waste of time. I got a question.. is it really compulsory for malays to wear tudong when they go out dating? lol i mean haha isnt it weird if u wear tudong when your wearing a sleeveless FUCK YOU T-shirt? HAHA hmm, anyways i am just curious. Nothing much. Since i am bored, i will post something really boring.

Eight Reasons I want to be single:

1) Free

2) Dapat hang out with friends and brother

3) Can observe more girls

4) I dont want to part with my money

5) Can sleep peacefully without any phone calls disturbing at 1 or 2

6) Wont be emo LOLX

7) Your mum and dad wont nag you that much

8) I find being single can know more friends than if you are attached

Eight reasons for not being single:

1) If you have a hot girlfren, dapat tah show off =D

2) Too rich

3) Love-lah what else

4) Someone to get busy with

5) Fun as in fun not pleasure LOL

6) Dapat men-flirt besama iaa.

7) Share food, she pay

8) Kisses and hugs =D


P.S i am still bored HAHA

♥ Blogged @
12:48 AM