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Sunday, July 27, 2008

What Kwang Means

You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.

You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.

People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.

You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.

You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.

You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.

You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.

Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?
Oh shit. I am grumpy but true HAHAHA
K263. outsssssss

♥ Blogged @
2:29 AM

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I think this will be just another pointless update.

I am actually here just to make an announcement:

To the Bball School Team:

I had set a date for the MS school Team vs MS Teachers match on Wednesday. It would be from 2-4. I hope everything will goes fine. Everything is up to Sherwin now.


From K263.


my birthday coming soon =D

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, presents


Kwang- The Dark Knight
Pic taken by Najib
Signing out,

♥ Blogged @
10:22 PM

Happy Birthday to Baasit and Mizan. I doubt you read this blog but anyways, a sincere wish from me to you two. Enjoy your 18th- the ''break-free year'' =D.

Basically, nothing interesting much happened in the past week.
Chem presentation was finally over.

This post is actually made to reply tags because i do not want to flood my own tagboard:

Zatul: HAHA stop learning new words and test it on me HAHAHA.

Santi: LOL, you should be happy that i didnt blew that or else, both teams would go into overtime. Anyways, congrats =D

Sab: ??????

Wina: Hello, your first visit =D

S. : Err hi. LOL and thanks.

I guess thats it.
Nothing much to blog about these days.
Repeating the school routine are just like rotating around a dull torque HAHA wth

goodbye i guess


♥ Blogged @
3:42 AM

Thursday, July 17, 2008

So what if a guy wears pink? You got a problem, why dont you just go poke your own eyes and go blind so you wont see anymore guys wearing pink in this whole fcked up world _l_?
HELLO, its been a long time since i blogged. Many had happened. Good ones and bad ones. So lets start from saturday night, it was a FARMAN + stolenandcopied.blogspot.com + ehsan from uicrutipaun.blogspot.com outing. Quite fun and worthy to remember for an awesome night which is one of many in my whole life. Spent loads on Kbox singing and quite a vainey night too HAHA.
The following day, i went out with my cousins to excapade and to the mall. Nothing much to described despite the fact that me, first time in the history; zero dollars spent because everything is under my Cousin-Lanja-Package =D.
Monday, had tuition at night which was pretty weird. Was supposed to have tuition on the following tuesday afternoon but since it was His Majesty's Bday, teacher decided to change it to Monday Night. Turned out to be fine.
Tuesday; went to the mall the whole day with friends. Usual activities=S
Wednesday; had futsal match against the form 3s'. Scored a goal but injured my toe which probably led to the absence of me on sunday futsal tournament. You all may had seen me wearing slippers on thursday which was lol pretty embarassing HAHA.
Thursday; ermm nothing much. Squash was alright. Had to play with my injured toe which i fell down a lot HAHA. fun pulang when u fall down XD. Went to Pasar Malam at night which was like hot and overcrowded 0.0''.
Today; went to futsal in the morning with MD students. Won by a margin of maybe 8/9 goals. Went to have a bit of ABC before heading home. Then slept for a while before sitting in front of the comp blogging here.
I know, i summarised everything really short here.
I am sorry. Eh napaaaaaaan
p.S updated as requested -.-

♥ Blogged @
8:34 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008


Hmm, i dont know what to blog about.
How about giving you all some advices on love? HAHAHA

From my rich past relationships, these are a few things that are common:

1) Guys tend to love girls more when it was at the starting part of a relationship. Then when it progressed, girls will love the guys MUCH more than the guys initially had loved the girl. When it developed to this stage, the girls would think the guys do not love them anymore. Then problems arise, break ups happen.

2) Girls are very possessive compared to guys. Girls like to know what the guys are doing and with who, almost all the time. Guys find this very annoying because they mistreated the love for them and they think the girls are just being too sensitive. Say bye bye to a relationship when your tired of your partner.

LOL, i dont know what this post is all about.
I am just being crazy.

p.S Naveen, WOO not dead

♥ Blogged @
12:02 AM

Monday, July 7, 2008



P.S updated =D

♥ Blogged @
5:50 AM

Friday, July 4, 2008

Greetings. Fellow humans =D

Since i am bored, i decided to go online for a bit and blogged.
I am not really sure if there are many readers of this stupid blog.
Taggers consistently are always the same.
I appreciated it though =D seriously.

What i did today?
1) Played futsal with MD in Harun's gym
2) Played basketball in the evening
3) Slept for nearly 7 hours.

Hmm, overall the day was satisfying despite not able to book seats for Hancock -.-''
It was like freakishly full for all the times showed in the Mall Cineplex.
Build more cinemas _l_
Futsal tournament is confirmed which is on the 13th.
I got a feeling i will suck bad HAHA, well i sucked -.-
Handball was cancelled which was supposed to be on tomorrow.
How miserable can life be after such tragedies.

I want to emphasize how costly is June and July. Besides paying for jerseys and tournament fees' , the mall is like the centre of sucking money out of your pockets in no time.

Usually i spent $2 or $3 on basketball shooting. But probably more when i am in the mood. Initial D's and sometimes Photo Hunt LOL. A lame game i know but i enjoyed it HAHAHA. Dragon punch would be played occasionally depends on the ' mood ' .

Okay this is the worst part. You cant probably bring any lunch box to the mall right 0.0'' . Since people nowadays are * luxury-minded* , the most usual places we visited for lunch or dinner will be: *this is like in an order, varies from person to person *

1) EXCAPADE; okay u wont walk out of it without spending at least $11/$12. Well that is if you are eating like 2 sushi and the tea. Then LOL, i would excuse that.

2) JOLLIBEE; cheapest double treat currently in town. A minimum $3 is expected with no drinks and side orders. Normally it will sum up to $5/ $6.

3) KFC; the cheapest u can eat is the HOT VALUE $2.90 which consists of a ball of rice, gravy and a drink. Yeah. If plus plus others, then i dont know.

4) C.A Mohammad; this is the place u can save the most but will have lots of calories devoured into your stomach which takes a long time to dissolve them. Overall, CHEAP.

5) FOOD COURT; Chicken rice, noodles and hell lots of varieties u can find. $5 is my estimated amount of money to spend. Depends though

6) AYAMKU: A long way from the mall but its cheap fried chicken wings attracted quite a lot

7) DIXY CHICKEN; ada lah yang cheap but jolibee offers better =D
Now to desserts;

1) Blizzard DQ; $3.50-$5.50
2) Gelato ice cream either Dreamcones at the mall ground floor or the gelato at the second floor.
3) Mini melts; very UNWORTH-IT which Izzats love the most 0.0''
4) Swensen; Fish and chips or drinks. A very costly restaurant.
5) Easyway: $2 i dont like it though. Weirdos like it XD

Yeah. You can sum up those by yourself.

This varies. Mondays to Thursday are the best time to watch movie. Cheap and reasonable.
$8/$9 are a bit too expensive for students like us. Popcorns and drinks are optional. World premieres are really cool but yeah NOT-WORTH-IT lah XD.

This is just the fundamental expenses you would expect to spend in the MALL.
Any shoppings or extra expenses are of your own likes.
I had gone out like 7/8 times in the holidays.
_l_ i regret for what my friends cunning persuasion HAHA.
Fuck you if you know who you are.
How am i to survive for a month or so?


P.S banyak lagi restaurants tapi i am lazy to mention
P.P.S Zaty, i am still waiting for the alternate way to obtain money *wags eyebrow*

♥ Blogged @
4:54 AM

Thursday, July 3, 2008

HAHAHA halo.
i am bored.
Today was like not bad.
Nada stats rupanya =D
Chem was prac lesson
Physics was LOL as usual
G.P was chit chat session

Squash was okay. I suck HAHAHAHA
Went back to school for chem prac lesson -.-''
Stayed back with the UICs who some of them had footie training at the field.
Gone for some lunch and back for some bball training.
Tomorrow ada futsal.
Tonight inda jadi aku jalan pasal arah kiulap -.-'' boring jo tuu



♥ Blogged @
1:06 AM

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bon' As si maqueras ( Hantam LOL )

Was trying to say hello HAHA.

Lame Kwang i know =(.

Today didnt happen much. But lessons were easy , not as hard much as expected.
Tomorrow CCA ahhhhhhhhh lol.
Squash. Dapat aku tidur =D
Tomorrow ada Stats 0.0''

I paid for the UIC jersey and its done already. Ready to be collect.

P.S Parents coming back today =(

♥ Blogged @
4:45 AM

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

School had reopened. Lifes turned miserable. Homeworks undone. Lectures returned. Escapes revived. A students' life. What do you expect?
1st day:
Ehsan's birthday; no one sang him a birthday song loud and clear. It was just blabbering and so he was like unhappy for the rest of the day. I felt sorry for him. A day in a year which turns out to be so disappointing. Be strong, Ehsan. Your older now =D so think maturely XD
Err, school was shit. Teachers are so eager to start lessons when students are still in holiday mood. Maths was terribly OMG. She announced that there is a test coming up tomorrow. Aww, what a suprise by the teacher -.-''. It was on binomial, a.p and g.p , wtf lah.
Chem was okay pasal ada these two T.P teachers. So yeah, he had to act nice HAHA so he treated good despite the moment he aimed at zati for a while when she was holding the twisties. G.P was usually HAHA boring. Some stupid talks on dumbo elephants in Borneo. I dont see one here so why the fuck care HAHAHA. Actually i dont swear in real life XDDDD i think.
So lastly physics, boring lah. Teacher had a great way of making the class silent when she was teaching. But it turns out to be making everyone drowsy and sleepy which couldnt even focus on what she talked. So yeah, didnt grasp of anything that she had teached the whole 2 lessons.
2nd day( today ):
Woke up late. Cousin later. So had to wake him up because hes the only one that could drive me to school. Went to school late and rushed to chem before mr. S came in. Chem was LOL. But what after chem cheers me up i.e P.E popularly known as physical education. Went to the toilet and styled my hair together with the other UICs. Helped Ehsan to mohawk. Turns out to be punky and emo. We beat Ehsan's team 7-2. 2nd half was way better than the 1st. At least win-lah.Managed to throw some bodies XD. Dapat tah aku train my keeper skills.
Then physics; err nothing interesting besides yawning 1000 times. After physics, nightmare arrived and my life became black HAHA apakan pasal we got stats. Went into class for the first time in LOL i dont knw hw many lessons i escaped. Sir came to me; Why were you absent for so many times? I answered confidently ;'' sick lah what else'' . And he suspected that i am a smoker LOL but actually its someone else. He said he smell some cigarettes. Sensitive jua -.-''
Extra class physics. Ok lah then went back home and changed before heading out to physics tuition. A newcomer Hazirah. Chatted a bit and did some work and went back for some bball training. Played till 7.30 and went back home. Online now and blogging here. Haven study for maths yet. Maybe tomorrow sia. I am so tired.

♥ Blogged @
6:21 AM