So what if a guy wears pink? You got a problem, why dont you just go poke your own eyes and go blind so you wont see anymore guys wearing pink in this whole fcked up world _l_?
HELLO, its been a long time since i blogged. Many had happened. Good ones and bad ones. So lets start from saturday night, it was a FARMAN + stolenandcopied.blogspot.com + ehsan from uicrutipaun.blogspot.com outing. Quite fun and worthy to remember for an awesome night which is one of many in my whole life. Spent loads on Kbox singing and quite a vainey night too HAHA.
The following day, i went out with my cousins to excapade and to the mall. Nothing much to described despite the fact that me, first time in the history; zero dollars spent because everything is under my Cousin-Lanja-Package =D.
Monday, had tuition at night which was pretty weird. Was supposed to have tuition on the following tuesday afternoon but since it was His Majesty's Bday, teacher decided to change it to Monday Night. Turned out to be fine.
Tuesday; went to the mall the whole day with friends. Usual activities=S
Wednesday; had futsal match against the form 3s'. Scored a goal but injured my toe which probably led to the absence of me on sunday futsal tournament. You all may had seen me wearing slippers on thursday which was lol pretty embarassing HAHA.
Thursday; ermm nothing much. Squash was alright. Had to play with my injured toe which i fell down a lot HAHA. fun pulang when u fall down XD. Went to Pasar Malam at night which was like hot and overcrowded 0.0''.
Today; went to futsal in the morning with MD students. Won by a margin of maybe 8/9 goals. Went to have a bit of ABC before heading home. Then slept for a while before sitting in front of the comp blogging here.
I know, i summarised everything really short here.
I am sorry. Eh napaaaaaaan
p.S updated as requested -.-